速報APP / 商業 / Manufacturing Summit

Manufacturing Summit


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Manufacturing Summit(圖1)-速報App

Presented by the statewide Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the annual Manufacturing Summit is a Supply Chain Event for Advanced Manufacturing that brings world-class OEMs and prime contractors together with suppliers and partners for contacts, new business opportunities and contracts in key industries, including: Aerospace, Defense & Space, Industrial, Naval and Marine and Medical. Our vision is to strengthen and grow our manufacturing base for competitive advantage here at home and abroad. Our mission is to showcase the manufacturing sector as a significant driver of our economy both as an employer and producer of goods, create a niche network that connects industry peers and facilitate both sourcing and procurement opportunities for innovative, stronger, and more nimble supply chains in Vermont, throughout New England and with our trading partner Canada. Key Figures: 120 exhibitors, 20 OEMs, 500 B2B meetings, over 700 participants, 4 countries.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad